Hi and congrats on finishing the challenge. So I think your decison to stop with adding line weight was the correct one. When you are trying to add line weight you really want to try and treat it just like any other line you would be drawing for these lessons. Ghost it multiple times and then draw it confidently from the shoulder. The way you were doing seems like you fell back into trying to draw from the wrist a lot and you were using shorter strokes and it's adding a bit of a chicken scratch effect at times which is what we are trying to avoid. Your lines look noticeably better once you stopped trying to add the line weight. This doesn't mean you should give up entirely just keep working at it.

So onto your boxes themselves they are looking pretty good in general and your convergences got a lot more consistent as you worked through these. At first I was a bit concerned that you only attempting boxes with really extreme foreshortening but you began mixing it up a bit more in the second half of the challenge. You extended your lines correctly on all of your boxes so that at least tells me you understand how vanishing points work and how boxes are constructed in general so great job here. You are still having convergence problems here and there which is to be expected so have a look at this graphic. https://i.imgur.com/8PqQLE0.png For the most part your boxes are going to be relatively solid at this point and your improvement is going to seem much more gradual. You also might want to try challenging yourself a bit more with freehanding boxes in one point or two point perspective as well as working on rotating a box while keeping the proportions in tact.

This was a great submission overall and you are showing the exact type of growth this challenge is supposed to provide. Try and keep your drawing habit consistent on a daily basis. What you said about skill degradation is very true and even if you can only do 15 - 30 mins a day that is better than skipping a day entirely. I'm going to mark this as complete and good luck with lesson 2.