Hello, feedback for 250 boxes.

Line quality - Strong and confident all throughout. With added lineweight, it appears that you started doing them, stopped for a while, and I can't really tell if you started them again later. The added lineweight can use some practice as they deviate a bit from the original line. The hatching on the box faces is also confident but a bit untidy - some of the lines under/overshoot the edge. I recommend treating the hatching with the same care like you draw the box edges, this is something you can practice in warmups.

Box construction - Looks great overall! Nice variety of boxes of different sizes, shapes and perspective, and good work on drawing them with a very distant VP (a few boxes diverge a bit but majority of them are fine). The back corner will always be pesky, so I think you did a good job with having convergent boxes.

I don't have a lot to say because the boxes looks great, and it appears you've understood the fundamentals of confident linework and how to build a box with correct 3-d perspective. Congrats on reaching the end of the gauntlet. When you've recovered from this box overload you can draw a few of them now and again during warmups, to keep that spatial understanding and construction fresh in your skills.