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2 users agree
10:15 PM, Saturday July 11th 2020

Congrats Clementine for completing the exercises. Here's my feedback


Superimposed lines feel rushed. Be sure to take the time to reposition the pen on the paper. There is frayingon both ends

Ghosted lines are alright, they veer a little to the end point but not too much. Just remember that smooth and straight is more important than hitting the point

Ghosted planes are ok. Well done


table of ellipses: you were supposed to do a border inside the page, this complicated your job quite a lot. The ellipses are acceptable, focus on passing over the first loop more accurately than fitting the ellipse in the right space

Ellipses in planes are ok. You hit the point nicely. You can work on the same problem as before. Surely done well enough

Funnels are your weak point in the ellipses section. Passed barely. Focus on maintaining the same axis.


Plotted perspective a bit sketchy. Maybe you don't have a lot of practice in technical drawing, or maybe you were nervous. It's acceptable anyway

Maybe it will surprise you, but rough perspective is actually well done. You will get a much better eye for perspective later, but you seem to have understood the point, and that is something that can't be said for a lot of the other people submitting here

Rotated boxes is where it all falls apart. they look like a sheet instead of a ball. This is mainly due to not rotating

This might help you

Organic perspective contains some really wonky boxes. Remember that in the initial Y the angles all need to be >90° Also some edges diverge from the VP. The edges need to get closer to the edge that makes the initial Y, when you move along said edge. In other words, pick a line of the Y. Start from the center and move out to the vertex. From there two segments start, correct? Now, those two need to be shorter than the other two lines that make up the Y, respectively. And that must be true no matter which initial line of the Y you chose.

You will get a heck of a ton of practice in the 250 boxes challenge, so no need to redo that one

Next Steps:

I'm sorry, but the rotated boxes exercise won't do, so while you're at it, might as well do a couple funnels. I'd like to see submitted:

  • Two (not two pages, just two) regular funnels and one corner funnel

  • The rotated boxes exercise

Standard recommendation: remember to do your warmups and to draw from the shoulder.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
10:23 PM, Tuesday September 1st 2020

Sorry for such a late post! The funnels haven't improved much since i have been off drawabox but I am doing daily work on my ellipses.

9:35 PM, Saturday September 5th 2020

I see the improvement on the ellipses.

The rotated boxes are much better, even though you are still missing some lines in the corner boxes. I'm gonna pass you on that one.

You are lucky that I came back to check randomly because I was bored. I thought everybody that didn't reply to the critique gave up and so I'm not checking the profile much lately. Oh well, welcome to boxes purgatory. Expect to pass here at least a couple of months. 250 is a big number. Take your time though. Best advice I can give is to do some every day, even though I fail to do it myself.

I hope you'll be more resolute than me. Good luck

Next Steps:

Next step is 250 boxes challenge

Remember the warmup described in the faq under this one

Remember to ghost and draw lines from the shoulder

Also the site needs more reviews. If you have the time, please consider joining in the reviewers by following the guide

Lastly when you complete a review, it shows some already done reviews that need agreeing. With 2 agrees, you allow the lesson to be marked as complete. You can also go to the submission page and give some agrees on there

Doing reviews is important because the emptier the queue in general, the faster everyone gets their reviews (yourself included). People in the later lessons don't have to waste time giving lesson1 critiques, so the more advanced lessons get reviewed quicker.

Thanks if you consider it

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
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