Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes
6:11 PM, Monday May 31st 2021
Taking it a bit slow, but so far i have been enjoying the course. Looking forward to 250 box challenge.
i will do my best on giving a helpful and on-point critique, let's get started!
for the superimposed lines, the lines that you did are fairly good as you showed smooth/ confident lines, however, at some point it looked like there were some lines that both had fraying in the end, this indicates that you became a bit impatient and rushed(even if you didn't).
now in the ghosted lines you maintained your linework being smooth/ confident as i can barely see any wobbles, do keep an eye out for lines that give a subtle s or c curves(it happen sometimes when your brain conciously think of the straight line you're marking, a simple fix is applying the ghosting method and marking it a bit faster) or lines that are arching(this often happens on the longer lines, as well as short or medium lines. a simple fix for this is that you could conciously curve the other way as it may help).
for the ghosted planes, most of the lines that you did are looking smooth/ confident, good job! some lines in your planes are showing a subtle c or s curve look.
Table of ellipses, you did good on maintaining drawing through most of the ellipses around 2-3 times and keeping them aligned within each cell, but you seem to have some ellipses that are wobbly and drawn around once only. also there are some ellipses that you did, that seemed like you didn't do it in one marking, making it look like 2 ellipses in one position, you also had some ellipses that's overlapping. keep in mind that you should always be prioritizing confidence over accuracy!
ghosted planes w/ ellipses - you have wobbly ellipses in some planes and it seems that you aren't marking your ellipses in one marking(this is called a repeating line), even if you hadn't intended that line/ellipse dont be tempted to mark another line/ellipse as it is a bad habit and it makes your mistake stand out from the rest.
funnels - some of the ellipses that you did were sometimes angled a bit off from the centerline giving a bit of an asymmetrical look, and a bit wobbly. most of the ellipses are angled along with the centerline so good job!
plotted perspective - there were some distortion as 2 of your boxes are away from the 2 vp's, although it isn't a big issue. you followed the instructions for this page well! good job!
for the rough perspective - you had the same result with the other students, however, the lines that you did isn't as smooth as the ones that you had earlier shown, there are also some repeating lines in some of the boxes that you did keep that in mind!
rotated boxes - it seemed that you had a bit of trouble mostly from the inner planes as there are times where some side of the quadrants are rotating too dramatically and sometimes it rotates fine, you did good on this! but you'll most definitely learn more about this once you tackled the 250 box challenge.
organic perspective - there are times where your boxes isn't decreasing on size as it goes further away, but most of it looks good! i believe that you are in the right track, keep it up! you'll gradually get better at it so see you at the 250 box challenge!
Next Steps:
Tackle the 250 box challenge
Wow, i really did not expect any reply here so i moved on 250 box challenge and i actually finished it last week, thank you so much for your review of my work!
I'll be sure to scan the albums and post my 250 boxes here as well as the other drawings since i was following the 50/50 rule, meanwhile i'll move to lesson 2.
Thanks again!
no problem
Here we're getting into the subjective - Gerald Brom is one of my favourite artists (and a pretty fantastic novelist!). That said, if I recommended art books just for the beautiful images contained therein, my list of recommendations would be miles long.
The reason this book is close to my heart is because of its introduction, where Brom goes explains in detail just how he went from being an army brat to one of the most highly respected dark fantasy artists in the world today. I believe that one's work is flavoured by their life's experiences, and discovering the roots from which other artists hail can help give one perspective on their own beginnings, and perhaps their eventual destination as well.
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