Hi, I'll be taking a look at your Lesson 1 submission, so if you don't mind my input:

You're maintaining good confidence already with your marks and strokes, but you're not fully there. I notice in your ellipses in planes that you tend to still wobble slightly and arc your strokes, same for when you're drawing ellipses occasionally. When it comes to drawing strokes, remember that you can take all the time you can while ghosting until you get your arm comfortable with the motion. You don't even have to ghost the motions at a high speed, you can go slow during the preparation stage, only make sure your actual executed line on paper is done with the most confidence you can muster which the ghosting exercise helps you with.

I also notice that in the rotated boxes exercise you did do a good job with perspective... up until the outer ring of boxes. You'll get more practice with the next set of lessons and especially the 250 box challenge, but remember that Convergences become rapid and gradual as a box rotates, see here. This guide can also help you get the idea on what makes the Rotated boxes tick so you can get through it next time.