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3:26 PM, Monday January 8th 2024

Thank you for the revision. I uploaded the Ellipsis Ex2 second page in the album but you have to hit the button below to show more pictures I think

On the funnels exercise. Yep, I must have forgotten to make those one, I'll redo them

On the Rotated boxes, there are 2 in each side of the main box and that's what's asked in the exercise and what was shown on the exemples, I dont think the third one is necessary

And on the organic perspective, the lesson says to not make dramatic foreshortening on the front boxes. I guess mine was not enough? I dont want to make it to exaggerated to avoid exactly what was said on the lesson

12:51 PM, Tuesday January 9th 2024
edited at 1:02 PM, Jan 9th 2024

Okay for ellipses ex2 I see the second page.

For rotated boxes, I think you did enough then.

Organic perspectives, as the boxes get closer to the observer the convergence increases by a larger margin. The edges get more less and less parallel as they move closer to the observer. Look at the related page once again. If you're having trouble understanding it, try this site for visualization

edited at 1:02 PM, Jan 9th 2024
4:52 PM, Tuesday January 9th 2024

Thank you! I'll take a look at that page and try to see the convergence ^^

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The Art of Blizzard Entertainment

The Art of Blizzard Entertainment

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