Hey there I'll be handling your lesson 2 critique.

You're off to a great start and doing well in these exercises so far, I'll be listing any suggestions for improvement I have below.

  • Your arrows are looking confident and smooth, when doing this again in the future you should experiment with more foreshortening, you play it a bit safe and keep a lot of your curves fairly similar. Try and keep the curves furthest from the viewer tightly together and as it begins to get closer to the viewer have the gap widen. You can see an example here.

  • Your organic forms with contour ellipses are looking nice and simple and your ellipses are well done. Your forms on the page with contour lines do get a bit more complicated than they should be, you want to keep both ends relatively the same and round, while avoiding pinching or stretching of the form as discussed here.. In later attempts be sure to make sure you shift the degree of the contour along the form. Remember that he degree of a contour line basically represents the orientation of that cross-section in space, relative to the viewer, and as we slide along the sausage form, the cross section is either going to open up (allowing us to see more of it) or turn away from the viewer (allowing us to see less), as shown here. Lastly remember that the small ellipse at the end of the form should be on the end closest to the viewer, you have it reversed in a few of your sausages, more on that here.

  • You did a great job in the textures section, you clearly paid attention to your reference and it shows that you're not working from memory in your gradient results. My only piece of advice if you are creating thin line like shadows that you want to try and create a thin shape and fill it in rather that just drawing a line. This helps makes the shadow more dynamic as seen here. You do start to focus on outlines and working from memory in some of your dissections on your second page, this is obviously a lot of work so if it's a matter of impatience and trying to just get it done remember that it's best to take a break so you can focus on putting in your best effort as you've demonstrated before.

  • In the forms intersections exercise the majority of your forms are well constructed, your ellipses do get a bit loose but overall this exercise has been well done. Right now we just want to get students to start thinking about how their forms relate to one another in 3D space, and how to define those relationships on the page. It's great that you attempted to draw the intersections, we'll be working more with them in the upcoming material.

  • The first page of your organic intersections is well done, the top form and the second page of forms however are a bit too complicated as discussed here. You also want to make sure you settle on a consistent light source as some of your shadows aren't behaving consistently, keeping your forms simple will assist with building an understanding of how shadows are cast and make this easier in the future.

Overall you did a good job through this lesson, you have a few things to work on but I have no doubt that you'll be able to improve on your mistakes through some extra mileage and by doing these exercises as warm ups. I'll be moving you on to lesson 3, good luck.