should i count reading the content of the lessons (and watching the drawabox videos of that lesson) into my "work" part of the 50% rule?
4:01 PM, Tuesday August 1st 2023
i've come back to and re-read the 50% rule part of lesson 0 a copule times already and im still not sure if i should count reading the material of a specific lesson and watching the videos of those lessons into the "drawabox" half, or if im just putting unnecesary extra time onto myself,
for example when going trough lesson 0 there's no drawing whatsoever so if you spent for example 3 hours going through it, does that count for 3 hours of the 50% rule? or do only the drawing parts count? (for example actually drawing the ghosted lines in lesson 1)
i'm assuming you have to count the time spent reading and watching into the 50% rule, so i did but i just want to make sure