
Let´s start with the line exercises.

The first thing I notice is, your lines are pretty accurate. But your should focus more on confident lines than accuracy. If you look at your lines in the superimposed lines, ghosted lines and ghosted planes exercise, I think you will notice as well these wobbly lines.

For the ellipses I think you did a good job in the accuracy of the ellipses but again there are too many wobbly drawn ellipses

In the box exercises I think you did pretty well. The perspective in the rough perspective exercise is acceptable and really good job on the rotated boxes.

All in all I would say your lines are pretty accurate but I think your main focus right now should be on confident and strait lines. Its more important to have confident lines than accurate lines.

So try to get those confident lines down and the accuracy will come with time :D

Good work and keep going!

Hope I could help with this and sorry for maybe bad english.

This was my first feedback I´m giving so maybe give me some feedback on this one :D