Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

4:08 PM, Wednesday February 12th 2020

Drawabox Lesson 1 - Album on Imgur

Imgur: https://imgur.com/gallery/ghPiMS5

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Here's my take on lesson 1.

Looking for constructive criticism.

Wish you a great day.

2 users agree
5:39 PM, Wednesday February 12th 2020

Hi Tem,

Good work! Here is a short critique (other members of the community can developp if they wish...):


You've done a great work, precise and confident.


Great job but you have to increase your acuracy. You may perhaps slow down a little and especially don't forget to ghost before drawing it's very useful! Remember than each side must be tangent to the ellipse.


Nice work that will have the opportunity to improve during the 250 box challenge...

Very nice try on rotated boxes!

Next Steps:

Next the 250 box challenge!

Remember to repeat lines and ellipses exercises during warmup during this challenge!

You may need to focus on ghosting more before drawing your ellipses.

Remember that the main thing is to draw confident lines: If it's wobbly, speed up! If it's not accurate, slow down! If you struggle at it, ghost more! ;-)

Congratulations! :-)

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
12:19 PM, Monday March 16th 2020

Hi Loopkin,

Thanks for the critique, I appreciate you taking the time to give a feedback :)

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