Starting with your form intersections, overall you're definitely moving in the right direction here. You did however tackle a lot of particularly challenging intersections, and so there were some mistakes. This is totally normal - even now - but I've marked some of them out here. To be completely honest with you, half the time I have to scratch my head for a while with these as well. The form intersections will continue to be, at least as far as spatial exercises go, some of the hardest you'll ever encounter.

Continuing onto your vehicle constructions, honestly you've knocked this out of the park. It's clear that you went to considerable lengths to break down each of your objects, to subdivide as much as was needed to pin down the location of each element you added, and to observe and study your reference material as much as possible to understand which components ultimately made up the whole, and what characteristics were purposely designed in the given object's production.

It's actually a bit funny - the one comment you got on your imgur album, stated "Your brain works differently than mine". That's really the point of this course. The human brain isn't built to think in this manner. Our brains are really good at navigating 3D space, but when it comes to understanding it to a point where we can actually create an illusion of it on a flat piece of paper, we are woefully underdeveloped - or perhaps, developed in an entirely different direction. So for that reason, the exercises we work through here push us to use our brains differently, to develop new pathways and manners of thinking, to fundamentally rewire how we think about three dimensional space, and the marks we make on the two dimensional page. I can confidently say, looking at your results here, that your brain does indeed work differently now.

Now, I do have some minor criticisms to offer, but they mostly relate to the approach I want students to stick to in this course in order to continue to get the most out of these kinds of constructional exercises:

  • Firstly, I completely understand the temptation of going back over all of your linework with a darker stroke, or even a different pen. In this case your drawings could definitely have been achieved with the same ballpoint pen (simply by varying pressure), so I'm going to assume that's what you used - but in general, within the bounds of this course, I want you to avoid tracing back over long lengths of your forms' silhouettes. Reason being, 'tracing' in this manner tends to make us focus more on how the lines we're following sit on the page itself ,rather than how they represent edges moving through 3D space. Instead, focus on using line weight only in specific, localized areas, to help clarify how our forms overlap one another in those specific places. Allow the linework from the earlier phases of construction to stand for itself. You'll be surprised how even this kind of more conservative, limited application of line weight will allow the object to stand out from the forest of constructional marks.

  • This is a mistake I make on occasion, but in general when you end up miscalculating your proportions when laying out that initial unit grid, try to hold to your mistakes. That is to say, don't abandon your plans halfway through. So in this helicopter, you had fit the top section into the orthographic study, but ultimately ended up having to stick it out of the top. If this happened because you accidentally drew the main fuselage in the wrong place, having it occupy too much vertical space, then I suppose there's no way out. But if in the process you found that the proportions of your bounding box didn't allow for enough vertical space for the fuselage and ended up bumping everything upwards, it would have been better in the context of this being a spatial problem to stick to the proportions you'd laid out. The end result would definitely have looked way off, but the focus is more on capturing the illusion that what we're drawing, regardless of their proportions, feel solid and tangible, rather than having the end result match our reference perfectly. In this regard I could see similar little hiccups in this car, like where you drew the far end of the windshield somewhat off, and decided to cut it further inwards. Once a mark is on the page, you've committed yourself - so stick to it. When we allow ourselves the freedom to correct our mistakes in the process, we give ourselves more permission to ignore them, rather than to learn from them.

Anyway! All in all, your work is very well done, and I am proud of what you've achieved. I'll go ahead and mark this lesson, and with it the entire course, complete. Congratulations!