250 Cylinder Challenge
8:11 AM, Tuesday April 9th 2024
If this challenge was about teaching me some things about perspective, proportions and foreshortening then I think it worked quite well.
If it was about getting close enough most of the time then I failed. There are too many opportunities for mistakes and they add up until the end. If I miss the mark for a millimeter for example, then depending on the angle and the length of the sides of the box the vanishing point can jump for a handspan and the proportions will be off.
I also have two questions about the cylinders in boxes:
1) When drawing the boxes with dramatic foreshortening and close vanishing points I never managed to align the ellipses to the minor axes AND the vanishing points. One of both was possible. The sides of the boxes which are to hold the ellipses always have a tilt towards the vanishing point on their axes due to the three point perspective.
Is this just a mistake of me in constructing the side as a square or do I miss something else here?
2)With dramatic foreshortening I can imagine that the sides will get distorted and in binocular vision the ellipses will also look distorted. Which means the nearer half of the ellipse will look bigger than the farther half. Would this mean that the halfes on either side of the minor axis will not be symmetrical?