Jumping right in with your form intersections, I did note some areas where your intersections weren't quite following the surfaces of the forms in question. I've marked out some corrections here - note how we have to look at how each surface flows through space, in terms of whether it's curved or flat. Each intersection is made up of pairs of surfaces, and whenever the intersection line crosses over an edge from one surface to another, it ends up with a sharp corner (since the path is changing suddenly). Keep that in mind - I noticed some places where you used more of a rounded corner as you crossed over an edge, like here, where a sharp corner should have been used instead.

Lastly, this diagram may help demonstrate how these intersection lines behave as they cross edges, and how that changes when we switch from a hard edge to a more rounded transition from one surface to the other.

Continuing onto your object constructions, I'm very pleased to see the fact that you've gone to great lengths to apply the use of subdivision and other such techniques to build out the scaffolding of your objects. That said, I do believe that your linework is at times a little less careful than it could be. The lesson not only allows for the use of tools like rulers, but actually encourages it. While some of those tools, like ellipse guides, won't always work and you will for these object constructions have to freehand a lot of your ellipses, when it comes to straight lines there's really no reason to have to freehand them for this lesson. Some students feel that they want to freehand them anyway, thinking that this will allow them to practice that freehanding more, but this is misguided. There are plenty of targeted exercises whose purpose are to improve our freehanded markmaking. In this lesson however, we want to focus our mental resources on the specific problems introduced here. By taking the extra time of using a ruler, lining it up, and guaranteeing that the line will fall where we want it, we can avoid the kinds of issues that can throw off our construction as a whole.

On top of that, remember that a ruler gives us a visual extension of our lines before we commit to drawing them - so we can track how our line extends off into the distance while we decide how to orient it, allowing us to avoid more of the issues that arise from our trajectories being a little off. Of course, this only works if we think to take advantage of it.

Continuing on, I definitely understand the temptation to go back over your linework with a thicker pen to really make the lines stand out from all the construction lines, but it's really best that you continue to limit your use of line weight in all the drawings throughout this course as explained here - meaning, using line weight to specifically clarify how different forms overlap one another. And of course, as noted in the lesson instructions, don't switch pens when drawing your linework. Stick to the same pen throughout. You can switch to a brush pen when you want to fill in your areas of solid black, but there are two main things you want to stick to when working with those filled black shapes:

  • Firstly, they should be outlined/designed using your usual pen, then filled in with a thicker pen or a brush pen.

  • Secondly, those filled areas of solid black should be reserved for cast shadows only - meaning that when you're drawing them, you're thinking about the form that's meant to be casting the shadow, and the surface receiving it, and how they relate to one another in 3D space. It's that which determines how we design the shadow shape.

Lastly, overall I think you're definitely making good progress in how you're leveraging the orthographic plans. In your earlier constructions there were definitely more landmarks that were not marked out on the orthographic plan (so you'd have to guess/estimate at them when constructing them in 3D), but as you progressed through I can clearly see that you've made big steps forward in planning your constructions out. I'm especially pleased with how you approached the stapler planning.

All in all, there are definitely things you can be doing better here, but it mainly comes down to the care with which you're using your tools, and giving each action enough time to be done to your best. In terms of understanding the concepts from the lesson, you're generally doing pretty well, and I expect you'll continue improving as you move through the rest of the course. Fair warning - Lesson 7 is more of this, but much more time consuming and demanding, so be ready to give it all you've got.

Before that though, you've still got the wheel challenge, so I'll mark this lesson as complete, and have you move onto it.