The Autumn Promptathon is Coming
2024 • 09 • 24  -  2024 • 09 • 30
The Autumn Promptathon is Coming
2024 • 09 • 24  -  2024 • 09 • 30
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2 users agree
1:53 AM, Tuesday December 13th 2022

Congrats on finishing lesson 1!

Lines: On the superimposed lines exercise, good job oveerall but do try to have each line start from the same point. That way they all begin from the same place, even if they diverge later on. Your ghosted lines are great. Your ghosted planes are solid.


Your ellipses show good 2-3 passes on each one, excellent. On the funnels, remember that each ellipse needs to be equally bisected by the minor axis. Practice makes perfect on these, they're good warmup exercises. Your ellipses in planes show confidence in making the line even if its not yet 100% accurate, which is what we're supposed to do. Again, practice makes perfect, these are great for warmups.


Your plotted perspective looks awesome! Great job onyour organic perspectives, it looks like you had a few moments of confusion where a few llines didn;t go towards the vanishing point but they're easy to spot and learn from. Practice will make perfect on these! Great job on keeping the gaps narrow on the rotated boxes exercise - it looks like you had a bit of trouble with the rotation and the way the vanishing points move on these. Next time, try using the lines of the previous box as a guide to help keep the next box's shape from getting wonky. Your organic perspective shows you udnerstood the concepts of near and far and relative size, even if your box construction needs some work.

Next Steps:

Definitely attenpt the 250 box challenge :)

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
0 users agree
3:56 PM, Saturday December 31st 2022

Congrats on finishing lesson 1!


Make sure your lines start from the same point. Otherwise, it's a good work


Your ellipses are drawn with confidence, good job.


Some of your rotated boxes are not rotating (especially your boxes at the top). If you look at the exemple in the lecture, you can barely see the top side of the box. It happens because your lines are not converging enough towards the vanishing points. Try to think how your lines should converge and use the previous boxes to help you.

Otherwise, it looks like you understood the homeworks. Practice will improve your box construction. Try to be confident when you draw them as some lines are wobbly.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
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