Hi Teus! Overall your work is looking really good! Your technical skills are quite impressive for someone at this stage, but there's just a couple of things to go over:

Superimposed Lines:

Really good. No problems here.

Ghosted Lines:

Same as the Superimposed Lines. These are good.

Ghosted Planes:

One or two of the lines are wonky, but you seem to understand how to do ghosted lines and the majority of them are fine so that's not a huge issue. Only complaint I have is that it would've been nice to have some screenshots of your planes before you drew ellipses in them. This'll be important to keep in mind (ie. Take a picture of each exercise) when you get to lesson 2.

Tables of Ellipses:

These are really impressive. Well done on these, keep at it.

Ellipses in Planes:

Ellipses look confident, mostly quite accurate. These are good overall.


The ellipses themselves are mostly fine, however you need to keep the minor axis (the line that runs straight through the middle) to cut each ellipse in half evenly. Currently your ellipses are being cut at different points, some are further up and some are further down. The other point to note here is that some of your ellipses seem to be rotated at different angles. They're not all sitting up straight, so to speak. You need to line them up in a neat row, and make sure they're all cut through their midpoints.

Plotted Perspective:

Since you're working in 2 point perspective, you want to keep all of the boxes fairly centre (check the notes on Additional boxes, chiefly this: https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/7/distortion). Also note that your hatching looks a bit messy; each stroke seems to just have been flippantly whipped down onto the page and as such it looks a little scribbly. You need to ghost each and every line you use to show hatching. See https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/14/step8 and https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/14/example for pointers on this.

Rough Perspective:

Difficult exercise, but overall you did quite well on handling perspective here. Same critique of your hatching.

Rotated Boxes:

This was a really good attempt at this homework. Good job!

Organic Perspective:

This is a difficult exercise designed to challenge you beyond what you're capable of right now, so no worries on this one. If you're wondering why the perspective in your examples looks a little off, it's largely to do with foreshortening. You may not quite understand what this is right now, and that's absolutely fine. I only really started to understand this theory after reading through it a few times again after doing the 250 box challenge and the perspective exercises in lesson 2. However I'll leave the link for you here just to have a look at regardless https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/7/foreshortening.