Hey there I'll be handling your lesson 2 critique.

You're making a lot of great progress towards understanding the concepts introduced in this lesson. I do notice a few things you can work on to achieve better results in the future however so I'll be listing them below.

  • Your arrows are off to a good start, just keep working on keeping them flowing nice and smoothly. I also believe that you'll find it beneficial to experiment with foreshortening the gaps between the curves a bit more, you stay fairly consistent with all of your arrows but utilizing foreshortening in this negative space along with the arrow itself can really sell the illusion of the arrow moving through space, more info on this idea here.

  • The majority of your organic forms with contours are kept nice and simple, there are a few spots where you over-complicate them a bit so just remember that you're ultimately aiming to keep both ends roughly the same size and to avoid any pinching, bloating, or stretching along the form as discussed here. Other than that it's good to see that you're trying to shift the degree of the contours along the form, lots of people neglect this step so keep it up.

  • There are a few cases in the texture exercises where you're focusing on outlines and negative space rather than cast shadows but I do believe you are grasping the idea and just need more mileage seeing as how every texture is it's own challenge. I'll include this reminder of how beneficial working with implied information from cast shadows can be when it comes to creating focal points and gradients.

  • Form intersections are definitely tricky but you had some good attempts, if you feel like you don't fully grasp the concept just yet don't worry. Right now this exercise is just meant to get students to start thinking about how their forms relate to one another in 3D space, and how to define those relationships on the page, we'll be going over them more in the upcoming lesson material.

  • Lastly as you mentioned in the organic intersections exercise you do get a bit too complicated with your sausages, try and keep them nice and simple so you can really build up a good understanding of how they wrap around one another in 3D space. This will also be beneficial in building an understanding of light and shadow before moving on to more complicated subjects, just remember that when creating cast shadows you don't want them to be hugging the form and instead be cast by a consistent light source.

Overall this was a solid submission, while you have things to work on I have no doubt you'll improve with some more mileage, with that said I'll be marking your submission as complete and moving you on to lesson 3.

Keep doing previous exercises as warm ups and good luck!