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5:46 PM, Sunday April 24th 2022
edited at 5:49 PM, Apr 24th 2022

Hello I'll be handling the critique for your lesson 2 homework

Organic Arrows

-Starting with the organic arrows these are drawn with a good deal of confidence which really helped you capture the way they move through space, although I did notice a few instances where you got a little hesitant. You are making some good attempts at the foreshortening, but sometimes the ribbon swells and bulges where it shouldn't, the important thing to keep in mind is that the arrow should get wider as it gets closer to us and it gets narrower as it moves further aways, without any swelling throughout its length. Another thing to remember is that the negative space between the zigzagging sections of the ribbon should get narrower as it moves further away, this principle is shown here. This is not an issue for you and most of your arrows follow this rule.

The important thing I want to draw your attention to is the lineweight, you applied it very hesitantly and in some cases it gets pretty thick. It is better when we limit its use and only apply it to the specific parts where the overlap occurs, avoid using lineweight on segments that are particularly long. This diagram shows how to apply lineweight correctly and you can also see it applied here in the context of some overlapping leaves.

Organic Forms with Contours

-The shape of your sausages is turning out nicely as you have avoided any pinching or swelling throughout its length, there is always room for improvement so keep practicing. When it comes to the contour ellipses, I can see that you have drawn them with an awareness of how they change degree as they move through space, they are drawn with confidence and fit in snugly within the sausage. Moving on to the contour curves, they are beginning to wrap around the sausage in a believable way. Some of them don't hook around the sausage correctly.

Keep in mind that contour curves are a useful tool to describe how a form sits in space but they can easily work against us by flattening our drawings. The best approach is to give each mark as much attention and focus as it requires, use the ghosting method to think about each mark's purpose and how you are going to achieve it best, this way you will avoid drawing contour curves that don't add useful information.


-On the texture analysis I can see that you are beginning to distinguish between cast shadows and form shading, and overall you achieved a nice transition from dense to sparse

-On the texture analysis you are focusing a little bit more on the outlines and negative space m, a good example of this would be the rock and cloth textures, where you focused more on outlines. I also want to quickly redirect you to this diagram which shows that when we are working with thin like line textures it is better to draw the shadow shape first and filling it rather than just drawing lines

Form Intersections

-The form intersections are turning out well, the only bit of critique I have to offer is that you could have filled the page with more forms. Don't worry if you feel like you don't fully grasp this exercise yet, as we will revisit it in future lessons and you will have plenty of time to practice during your warmups.

Organic Intersections

-Finishing with the organic intersections, your contour ellipses are quite faint and you tend to repeat them a lot, overall your linework is looking quite scratchy, try to avoid this in future attempts. The sausages wrap around each other believably, and you have kept them simple and easy to work with which is a strategy to produce good results. Lastly, you should take more time to plan the shape of your shadows, and outline them first and then fill them carefully.

Okay, that's about all I have to say, I'll go ahead and mark this lesson as complete

Next Steps:

Lesson 3

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
edited at 5:49 PM, Apr 24th 2022
8:36 AM, Tuesday April 26th 2022

Even with your explanation, I still don't think I understand textures. I'll make sure to revisit the exercises. For example, with my cloth texture, I could not find a way to illustrate its texture without drawing it's form.

Thank you for the helpful critique, I'll put your advice to practice.

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