This submission is incomplete. None of the ellipse exercises are included: Tables of Ellipses, Ellipses in Planes, and Funnels.

Your superimposed lines are good for the most part. However, the trajectory on the longer lines is wobbly. Make sure you are drawing with confidence and from the shoulder. The ghosted lines and planes demonstrate another issue. You have a habit of restating your lines to correct mistakes. All this does is draw attention to any errors you have made. Work on breaking this habit.

The plotted perspective is okay, but many of the vertical lines are not truly vertical. Additionally, you went overboard with the line weight. The line weight should be subtle. On top of that, the line weight looks a bit hairy. Also, some of the boxes look unfinished. Specifically three of your boxes in the middle panel. You did not completely draw the the boxes for 2 of them, and one of them appears to be missing lines on the top. As for the rough perspective, the line quality is not great. While it looks like you've made an effort to plot the lines back to the vanishing points, that same care was not used when putting down ink for your lines. The lines are wobbly, and you also restate your lines several times.

You've said you did not use the ghosting method for some of the exercises, but you did not specify which for which exercises. I'll assume that the "Ghosted Lines" and "Ghosted Planes" exercises were completed using the ghosting method, and the "Rough Perspective" looks (somewhat) ghosted as well. However, it's clear that the "Rotated Boxes" and "Organic Perspective" exercises were not ghosted. The lines for the rotated boxes are extremely hairy, and the lines for the organic perspective are laid down without much thought. Remember that smooth, confident lines are your top priority. Accuracy will develop as you work through the lessons.

It looks like you rushed through this lesson a bit. Remember, drawing is not a skill you will acquire over night. Take your time and complete each exercise to the best of your current ability. And try to enjoy the journey. Make sure you implement the 50% rule so that you don't experience burnout.