Hello, I'll be handling your lesson 1 critique.

Remember that when doing this course the instructions say that you should do each exercise once to the best of your abilities. Don't redo them and grind or you may burn yourself out.

Let's go over your Lines first.

Your super imposed lines are off to a good start, they're not wobbling too much. You do struggle with curved lines but that's normal and you'll improve your accuracy with more mileage.

In the ghosted lines and planes exercises your lines are looking confident but you do have some arcing occurring which is a sign you may not be comfortable using your shoulder just yet. It can take a bit of time for people to develop the muscle memory to use their shoulder but try to keep in mind that using your shoulder is your goal.

On to the Ellipses section.

I'm happy to see that you're experimenting with shapes and sizes in this section. Your ellipses are off to a good start, you keep them mostly round but there are a few places where you start to get pinched ends or squared edges. Remember that you want to draw your ellipses confidently in one swift motion, don't worry too much about the boundaries you created because you'll get more accurate with time.

In the funnels exercise you do a good job of keeping your ellipses divided equally by the funnel's central minor axis, good work just keep trying to keep them even when doing warm ups in the future.

Lastly let's go over your Boxes.

Great work on the plotted perspective exercise.

Your correction lines go towards the vanishing point in the rough perspective exercise which is good to see. One thing you do need to work on in this exercise is you want to try your best to keep your horizontal lines parallel, and your vertical lines perpendicular to the horizon line. Having them not follow this rule tends to make it look like you're guessing or it hurts the overall solidity of your boxes. You can read more about the mistake here.

You did manage to get some rotation in the rotated boxes exercise, but you'll want to work on keeping your boxes evenly spaced. By keeping them evenly spaced you can use nearby boxes as a guide to determine where your next line should end up, helping create a more solid image overall and helping keep things together. This is a good attempt and you'll have better attempts once you learn more about working in 3D space.

In the organic perspective exercise you show that you understand that the further away a box is the smaller it gets. You do struggle with having your lines converging towards their vanishing point but this is a good start.

I believe you've shown that you understand what this lesson is trying to teach you so far. I'll be marking your lesson as complete and moving you on to the 250 box challenge where you'll gain a better understanding of working in 3D space and with multiple vanishing points.

Keep doing these exercises as warm ups, and work on using your shoulder to draw.

Good work so far and good luck!