2 users agree
6:56 PM, Sunday April 16th 2023
edited at 7:28 PM, Apr 16th 2023

Hellooo to you to! I will be handling your critique, which will be divided into 3 sections:


  1. Your superimposed lines have a smooth flow, which indicates that you understood to push forward with confidence in this lines exercise. There is a tiny bit of fraying on both ends of your lines in one of your pages, but the other page shows some improvement. Keep in mind next time you do this, place the pen carefully at the beginning of each line so this does not happen. Nice attempt at the curves as well.

  2. Ghosted lines are definitely on the right track. You are still consistent with that nice, smooth flow which means you understood to prioritize flow > accuracy in this exercise. Well done. The accuracy is something you will achieve over time. Your plotted points also indicate that you understand to think before making a mark and that it is important to plot points when applying the ghosting method, though next time make your points just a tad bit tinier. Your lines should completely cover the plotted point.

  3. Planes also look great with that nice, confident flow in your lines. I'm gonna be a bit nitpicky here, but it looks to me like you did not plot your points with a line here: https://imgur.com/a/8xEyGXs. I know it's only a very short line, but please do not ever skip this first essential step when doing this course. But the rest of your lines have plotted points, so good job!


    1. Tables of ellipses are mostly good. You understood that your ellipses needed to be drawn 2-3 times (2 preferrably), and snug against each other. But I say mostly because this exercise requires experimentation and variation with the angle, degree, and size of your ellipses. The variation of size and degree is there, but it looks all your ellipses lean towards the right. I will request a revision of 1 additional page of this exercise, and ask of you to try ellipses with an angle leaning towards the left. I would also like to encourage you to vary the degree of your ellipses even more since most of them are roughly 30 degrees. Try more 15, 45, and 90 degrees (see this link: https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/5/degree). Your ellipses also are just a bit loose, and a some don't exactly touch the border of the table, but your execution on this will get better over time.

    2. Ellipses on planes look good, nice job at attempting to make sure your ellipses touch all 4 sides of the plane. A few of the lines in your ellipses do get a bit faint, which could indicate that you were running out of ink that moment, or your pen is tilting a bit too much, or you are drawing a bit too fast. Try to reflect on what happen, and if you think it's because of your pen tilting too much, hold your pen more upwards next time. If it's because you are drawing too fast, slow down to a moderate speed that will still give you that nice, smooth flow in your lines.

    3. In funnels, your ellipses here get very loose, but that's okay for now, it is a harder exercise. Aligning your ellipses and making sure they are perfectly snug at the same time is tricky, so use the minor axis as a guide and make sure to ghost from your shoulder like you do in your lines. Your execution on this will get better over time.

Boxes. Here is where things get tricky, so I applaud you for pushing through.

  1. Plotted perspective is well done. Your cross hatching is decent, but you will have plenty of chances to practice at the 250 box challenge.

  2. Nice attempt at the rough perspective! Horizontal lines run parallel to the horizon line, and vertical lines run perpendicular to the horizon line. Although it's not perfect, I can tell you understood that they needed to be like that. Your extension lines should've been a different color though, try to get one before the 250 box challenge. And they only needed to extend to the horizon line, yours go beyond it. Boxes look awkward, which is expected if this is your first time, but you will have so much time to improve in the 250 box challenge.

  3. The front planes of your rotated box don't look too bad! It's the back planes and corners that are always tricky when doing the first time. That's okay, this challenge is purposefully meant to be beyond a beginner's skill level; throwing you to the deep end and expose you to think of 3D space in a new way. Hopefully, you gained a piece of the puzzle on this, even if it is just a small piece for now.

  4. Organic perspective looks good. I can tell you have a good sense of scale and depth.

All in all, you are in the right direction. Your lines are overshooting and undershooting a lot, even until the end. But I believe you can so improve this. Pls do keep this in mind in your future lines practice: https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/10/levels and https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/10/lifthand. Like I said earlier, I do have a revision to request of you:

Next Steps:

1 Page of Tables of Ellipses. Try drawing ellipses leaning towards the left, and vary their degrees even more. Also continue varying the sizes as well like you did previously.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
edited at 7:28 PM, Apr 16th 2023
10:53 AM, Tuesday April 18th 2023

Helloooo!!! First of all, thank you so very much for taking the time and effort to handle my critique! I appreciate it a hecc ton!!!! Here's the follow up you've requested from me, kind person! I was off with estimating some of my marks but nonetheless, I did them at the best of mu current capabilities! Have a wonderful day/night ahead!!

5:36 PM, Tuesday April 18th 2023
edited at 5:43 PM, Apr 18th 2023

Nice, this is an improvement! Well done.

I can now gladly mark your submission as complete. Please wait for 2 agrees on this critique to earn your lesson 1 completion badge. You are now ready to conquer the 250 box challenge! Like I reiterate in all of my critiques, it's not about making perfect work or executing marks perfectly in the very beginning; it's about understanding what to aim for in your future practices. And I feel you do.

Next Steps:

Your 50%, 10-15 min warm ups on these lesson 1 exercises, and onwards to the 250 box challenge!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
edited at 5:43 PM, Apr 18th 2023
5:31 AM, Wednesday April 19th 2023

I can't thank you enough for this critique! I genuinely do appreciate it. I wish you nothing but the best in your art journey!! :DD

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Still, I'd recommend buying these in person if you can, at a proper art supply store. They'll generally let you buy them individually, and also test them out beforehand to weed out any duds.

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