Hi Ria_Kumo, let's review your Lesson 1 homework.


Superimposed Lines: They look pretty good, some fraying at the ends is expected, and it gets better in the second page.

Ghosted Lines: They are kind of wobbly, though sometimes they come out alright. Remember to always ghost your lines and draw with confidence, from the shoulder. There isn't really other secret to this.

Ghosted Planes: Here you have the same problems (although page 2 is better). I've noticed that your lines almost always arrive at the finishing point, but they are mostly wobbly and inconsistent. Prioritize confidence and line flow over accuracy. Accuracy will come by itself over time.


Table of Ellipses: It looks great. You're drawing each ellipse two to three times, which is great. They are well spaced between each other, they vary their angle, and while some of the smaller ones are a little wobblier than the rest, with practice they will get a lot better, so no worries.

Funnels: These look good in general as well. You're clearly aiming to align them to the minor axis, which is great, but watch out for situations like the funnel in the lower left corner. There, you tried to fit the ellipses into the margins, rather than align them to the minor axis. This is wrong, because the margins and funnel shapes are only there to help us align the ellipses. When in doubt, prioritize aligning the minor axis over fitting the ellipses into the margins. There are a couple of ellipses that are out of alignment elsewhere, but you got the point of the exercise.

Ellipses in Planes: In the second page, some of them get out of their boundaries, but they're made with confidence and have a nice flow, so that's ok. In the first page though, you clearly slowed down to fit them perfectly into the planes and that's why they look wobblier and more angular. Again, prioritize confidence and flow over accuracy, and don't forget to ghost them.


Plotted Perspective: It looks great. Good job!

Rough Perspective: Well done in here as well, the lack of accuracy is expected, and the point of the exercise actually. Remember that your vertical and horizontal lines have to be perpendicular and parallel to the horizon, respectively.

Rotated Boxes: First, congratulations for finishing it! It's a hard exercise. Now, some details: your boxes could've been rotated a bit more, like in the lower center section. It gets better at the corners and in your horizontal center row. They also have too much space between them at times. But overall, good work.

Organic Perspective: In general, it looks good. You tend to make the same box over and over at some points though, which is a correction that would've helped you a lot on the 250 Box Challenge (that's why it's not good to work on a vacuum).

There's some wobbliness in the lines still, but as I said, with practice and applying what we already talked about, it should go away. The weird convergences (and divergences) are ok at this point, as you are expected to work through them at the 250 Box Challenge.

All in all, a pretty good submission! I know I'm being annoying with it, but remember not to work on a vacuum. Working on some of the corrections of this lesson, things would've been easier at the 250 Box Challenge. Anyway, congratulations for finishing Lesson 1! :)