Hey, nice job completing lesson 1! I'm going to separate critique by homework items:

  1. Super imposed lines - The confidence in your lines is good in the straight lines, but the arced ones are looking a little wobbly. Those are optional and a bit harder though, just make sure you still draw them with confidence, even if they end up diverging. You did a good job with the accuracy on all the lines, they're still pretty close at the end, but there is some fraying at the start of some of them, just make sure you're starting your pen off in the same spot each time.

  2. Ghosted lines - The confidence in these is also good, there are some slight arcs in some of them, but they look pretty clean. Some of them end a little short and some end a little long, but the accuracy comes second and is something you'll end up working on by default in later exercises with boxes.

  3. Ghosted planes - The planes look very good. There's some overshooting again, so just make sure you're lifting your pen off the page at the end there instead of flicking at the end, but the lines look confident, and they're converging in the right places.

  4. Ellipses in planes - The edges are touching the sides of the planes, but there's a lot of wobbling in the lines. Keep in mind that Uncomfortable notes in the lessons that confidence is first and accuracy is second. When you do warmups later I would definitely recommend focusing on drawing the ellipses a little faster and worrying a bit less about accuracy with them.

  5. Ellipses in tables - From ellipses in planes to this one there is definitely some improvement, a lot of your ellipses in this one are more confident and smoother, but there are still some wobbly ones, especially the little ones. On the second page a lot of them are floating off the guidelines too. Make sure to take your time with the ghosting, then draw each ellipse confidently, even if it will end up outside the lines.

  6. Funnels - These ellipses are also a bit wobbly, and in the exercise the ones in the center are meant to be more narrow than the ones on the outside. The sizes in yours differ a bit, but not quite as much as in the lesson. Again, make sure you're focusing on confidence first, and accuracy second.

  7. Rough perspective - There's more wobbling in your lines here than in the earlier lessons, it looks more pronounced with the smaller boxes, make sure you're using your whole arm for all of the lines, even the short ones. The lines back to the VP are definitely going in the right general direction, the ones farther away diverge more, but that's expected, just make sure you're using ghosting to estimate those lines.

  8. Rotated boxes - The rotation on these looks pretty good, but keep in mind that the backs of the boxes should have lines that are more or less parallel to the ones next to them too. There are a few drawn-through lines in the bottom left that are out of line, though the fronts look good. Also make sure each line is just one confident line and avoid chicken-scratching or drawing over lines in the back one more than once, even if they didn't go the direction you wanted the first time.

  9. Organic perspective - Make sure you're drawing full, confident lines. I think line weight is ok for this one, but some of the extra lines are particularly wobbly and chicken-scratchy. The boxes themselves look pretty good, but the lines look a little hesitant. Again, make sure you're drawing from the shoulder, ghosting for each line, and drawing a full line each time, instead of just part of one.

Conclusion - Again, nice job completing lesson 1! In general I think you mostly need to focus on line confidence and making sure you're drawing from the shoulder. Just don't rush it too much! Your straight lines were good in the first few exercises and got more hesitant later when more parts were added, so take your time =). But I think you're good to move on to the 250 box challenge, just make sure you do your warmups and focus on that confidence as you move forward!