Hello there benj. As this is more of a formality than anything else, I have been sitting here for a hot minute trying to think of something to make it worth your while. So, I am going to dissect one box. Number 247.

I know you know I know that you know alllll about the infographic so let's just get it out here for convenience sake. Let's talk about the angles between lines because you are still having some issues (very minor at this point, and all things considered 100% fine for any practical work but this is the box challenge and I have to find something to nitpick :gnomehappy:) with your convergences getting just a wee bit skewed.

Let's look at the red lines of your box. The two center lines are basically co-linear, that is, perfectly lined up. This would mean that there is a zero degree angle between these two lines. I would use that line to start off my box after the Y is planted down and the planes are established because it's basically a free answer - right in line with that part of the y. Once you lay that one in as such, all your red lines are converging right on the money and no more worries so we can move on to the next set of parallel lines. Your green ones aren't too bad, but you made the back line exactly parallel to the other internal line in that direction. So be mindful of those subtle angles between parallel lines. Once those two direction's trajectories are firmly planted your blue lines would have fallen into place smoother.

Overall your line quality is great, you clearly understand form, you were patient even though this is your second time through, and you followed all the directions and never showed an attitude of "i already know all this". I'll be happy to mark this lesson as complete. I don't know if you plan to go all the way to 6 and 7 but I recommend to students to start practicing larger scale boxes for those since boxes at that scale have their own unique challenges to figure out. So. Excellent work. Feel free to move on to lesson 2.