Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

10:55 PM, Saturday August 1st 2020

draw a box lesson 1 - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/oPTySW8.jpg

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Hi there, this is my second attempt at posting my homework for lesson 1. If this isn't right, please let me know so I can return to living under my big rock to never return again until I've learned to copy a link :D

Thanks for your time :)


2 users agree
2:36 AM, Sunday August 30th 2020

Feedback for your Lesson 1 homework.


Looking strong and confident. However, the lines in Superimposed Lines are fraying at both ends. Fraying at one end is normal, but both ends means that you haven't carefully placed the pen at the starting point before drawing the line. Likewise in Ghosted Lines -- I'm not sure what "a" and "b" mean, but the instructions say to place two dots on the page first, then ghost a line between them. In future, be sure to place dots before ghosting, and take care when placing your pen on the first dot when you make the line. (And please, don't write "a" and "b" - they're not part of the exercise, and they make it difficult to see the quality of your work.)

Ghosted Planes are not completely finished: a complete Ghosted Plane contains the internal X and + lines as well. Some of the planes are partly done, some are completely empty. Please don't neglect to follow the DaB instructions, as you haven't gotten as much ghosted lines practice as other submissions.


They look great - again, you make a strong and confident line, and they're quite accurate. Some of the Ellipses in Planes are drawn over 3 or more times. I encourage you to practice drawing over ellipses only twice, as that helps you develop accuracy without the "safety net" of drawing over multiple times.


No issue with Plotted Perspective. Rough Perspective is where the rubber hits the road for most people! On some panels, it is a bit hard to see whether you've been aiming those boxes towards a fixed, single vanishing point. While it's normal for some boxes' perspective to be quite off, it appears that some boxes have been drawn towards multiple vanishing points in a single panel. Each panel must only have one VP marked on the horizon. Again, please read the exercise instructions carefully and watch the video for Uncomfy's live demonstration. If you're still confused, feel free to post your homework and ask for help on the Discord server or in these forums!

Also, I noticed that you've "done over" some lines repeatedly in Rough Perspective, presumably to correct mistakes. I encourage you to not get into the practice of doing-over mistakes: let them stand as they are. Not getting a chance to do-over mistakes means you're compelled to learn to ghost/draw your next line more accurately, or work within the constraint of the mistake -- both of which are good mindsets to develop for both DaB and your actual/fun art.

IMHO, Rotated Boxes is the hardest exercise in Lesson 1. Great effort on doing it! The boxes are nicely packed together and show some rotation, it's clear that you've taken care to do this exercise. Likewise with Organic Perspective, though again I encourage you not to do over the lines repeatedly.

Overall, congrats on making it to the end of Lesson 1, you've done well. However, I'm just stopping short at marking it complete as I'm not sure that you've understood some of the exercises or follow the instructions - in particular, Ghosted Planes and Rough Perspective. So please resubmit the homework (see below) to get your completion badge.

Next Steps:

Please resubmit:

Be sure to read the instructions carefully so you know what the purpose of the exercise is! Post a link to those images here in this thread. Thanks.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
2:29 PM, Monday September 7th 2020

Hi Vega! Thank you so much for your feedback, I really appreciate how thorough and in turn how useful it is :) I completely agree with the points you've made, i'll be sure to redo the parts you've reccomended and be careful to fully understand the content moving forward.

Thanks again for your time, Gem.

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Like the Staedtlers, these also come in a set of multiple weights - the ones we use are F. One useful thing in these sets however (if you can't find the pens individually) is that some of the sets come with a brush pen (the B size). These can be helpful in filling out big black areas.

Still, I'd recommend buying these in person if you can, at a proper art supply store. They'll generally let you buy them individually, and also test them out beforehand to weed out any duds.

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