Congrats on getting through lesson 1!

Here are some thoughts:

Lines: Your frayed lines look good, only frayed at one end and pretty confident. Same thing with the dot to dot lines and ghosted planes. Sometimes there are some wobbles--if that starts happening, do some loose lines on a piece of scratch paper to recapture that confident feel.

Ellipses: You are passing through 2-3 times as directed, and making an effort to be confident and within bounds. I notice that a number of ellipses in planes are a bit diamond shaped. It can be difficult to figure out how to fit ellipses into planes, but here are a few with corrections:

Improving line and ellipse quality:

When my lines start to get wobbly, I "reset" myself by just drawing a bunch of loose lines (not superimposed--totally free) over the paper. Then I do some superimposed lines, and then I go back to whatever I was trying to do.

For ellipses, similar thing. First, draw a few quick super loose ones (not in a table or anything), then a few aligned with a minor axis (like this: ), then constrained ellipses (like one or two panels of a table), then I go back to the real task.

Boxes: 1 and 2 point perspective exercises looks like you understand the idea, and the rotated boxes are good enough for now.

On the organic boxes, the first thing I notice is that the sweeping lines look hesitant. Be free with big, sweeping lines! You'll be drawing lines like this for the ribbons exercise, plants, and animals later. This is jumping the gun a bit, but you'll eventually need to be able to match sweeping lines to make ribbons. Drawing guideline dots can help: Don't worry about this so much now, but keep it in mind later.

As for the boxes, there are some diverging lines, but the 250 box challenge will teach you to correct that. Make sure you get discord feedback within 20 boxes or so of starting, so that you know if you're on the right track. (The "basic challenges" channel)

Overall, this is a good start! Onward!