Good job on completing lesson 1!

Now, for the critique:

There's wobbling and arch in your lines that remains till the organic perspective exercise. Make sure to arch your lines the other way if your lines continue to curve one way. Also, this is not a DAB exercise, but I want you to take a piece of paper and just start drawing random lines - but, make sure to always use your shoulder, to feel the flow, and to draw confidently. Part of learning how to draw with your shoulder is finding the right way to orient your arm to create smooth, confident lines, and this exericise imo helps a lot with that. The accuracy of your lines will increase with more practice.

On Tables of Ellipses, you did a great job on making confident ellipses and keeping them closely packed together. Some are little wonky but that'll improve over time. I'd suggest you practice different varieties of ellipses, too. Good job in the funnels increase.

In the Boxes exercises I'd like to point out firstly, is that your lines are sometimes wobbling. You made a solid attempt at the rotated exercise, but your boxes should be more closesly packed together, and they are not rotating (make sure the lines converge more as they rotate and move away from the middle box). Also, it seems like you are adding more rotated boxes than what the instructions say, and some of your boxes are stacked on top of one another(top left and right?). I'd like you to re-do this exercise.

In the organic perspective exercise, you made sure the boxes get larger as they come closer to the viewer, and that they overlap with one another. These small things really sell that there is a sense of depth in the drawing. Good job.

Overall, solid work, make sure to re-visit the rotated box exercise, and good luck with the 250 box challenge!