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2 users agree
2:02 PM, Thursday April 6th 2023
edited at 2:03 PM, Apr 6th 2023

Hi Mr Unpredictable!

I'll be doing your critique today! :)


  • Super Imposed Lines - Your superimposed lines are looking good! You've managed to start at the same starting point with little fraying towards the end as well. You've also drawn confident strokes with no wobbling. Good job here.

  • Ghosted Lines - You've done well here too! You've ghosted enough that you've accurately started at the starting point and even reached very close to the endpoint as well. Very nice!

  • Ghosted Planes - Good job here as well. As in the previous exercise, you've drawn confident strokes and ghosted enough to ensure that most lines start at the starting point and end on or close to the endpoint. One thing to note though is that there is a little bit of arching in some strokes. This can be fixed by consciously arching the opposite way to maintain a straight line when ghosting. With practice, this can help lessen the arching problem. Also, a slight wobble can be seen in a few strokes as well. Make sure to ghost a little more to really get that confidence in your stroke. You can take all the time you need for this!


  • Tables of Ellipses - Your table looks good with the second table clearly showing you have more confidence after the practice from the first table. Keep in mind that we can ghost for longer to be more accurate in how we draw the ellipse. You've correctly maintained the 2-stroke ellipse. Nicely done!

  • Ellipses in Planes - Your ellipses in planes are not bad. Some ellipses don't reach all 4 sides of the plane but this is alright as this will improve with practice. Again here there is a slight wobble in your ellipses so once again, I'll remind you about ghosting. That will greatly improve how 'round' the ellipse is as your stroke would be a lot smoother. Note that this will improve with practice as well. :)

  • Funnels - I feel with your funnels you might have gotten a little tired of drawing ellipses as it seems like you have done that exercise in a bit of a rush. There is a relative symmetry with the minor axis cutting the ellipses so that looks fine. However, it seems maybe you didn't ghost enough as your 'second turn' of the ellipse seems a little looser compared to the table and planes you did before. Do try to ghost before you mark the paper as this will greatly improve how your ellipses look. We focus on confident 'intentional' lines in this lesson so do keep that in mind.


  • Plotted Perspective - Everything looks good here, no issues at all!

  • Rough Perspective - There's a little wobble/curving to your lines but we've already covered this before so I won't go into it again. Good job on keeping the lines either perpendicular or horizontal to the horizon! Also, you've accurately used the line correction method and drawn through your boxes. Some students go past the horizon or don't line up the correction lines to the corner 'dots' when they draw their correction lines. All in all, well done!

  • Rotated Boxes - Really good job here! Some students really struggle with this exercise. It is clear that your spatial awareness is good as you've rotated your boxes quite accurately while maintaining quite a close distance with each corner of the boxes. A little bit of curving and wobble can be seen here too in your line work but I'm sure this will improve over time. Really well done here!

  • Organic Perspective - The organic boxes look good! You've kept a good sense of rotation as well as perspective here too so good job!

All in all, this is a good submission and I'm confident you'll improve over time. Keep in mind to ghost more and work on that wobbling/curvature of your lines. With practice, I'm sure you'll do well! I think you are ready to move on to Lesson 2 so I'll mark this lesson as complete.

Good luck with the box challenge and hope you have fun with the rest of the course! :)

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
edited at 2:03 PM, Apr 6th 2023
2:48 PM, Thursday June 1st 2023

Hi Bun,

Thank you so much for your critique. It really means a lot to me and will help me improve. I'll certainly keep your critique in mind and will implement ghosting method more and try to improve the arching problem in my lines.


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The Art of Blizzard Entertainment

The Art of Blizzard Entertainment

While I have a massive library of non-instructional art books I've collected over the years, there's only a handful that are actually important to me. This is one of them - so much so that I jammed my copy into my overstuffed backpack when flying back from my parents' house just so I could have it at my apartment. My back's been sore for a week.

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