Hi Undesirables! I'll be reviewing your work.

For starters, your lines are clean and confident, as well as your hatching, and your lineweight is subtle but effective. Great job with that.

I feel that for the first 80 boxes or so, you relied too heavily on boxes with extremely dramatic foreshortening. In some cases the vanishing points were almost besides the box itself, and that resulted in heavily distorted boxes. Fortunately, around box 90 you started correcting that issue and you got much better results.

Then you started dealing with issues such as making your convergences subtle in boxes with shallow foreshortening, getting the back corner right, etc., and I'd say that you did pretty good overall, improving as you went through the challenge. There are some issues still with the back corner, so I'll leave you these images that can help you with that. Give those ideas a try when you warm up with some boxes. But it looks like you got the idea of the challenge rather quickly, so that's great.

As I said, I think you're doing pretty good, your lines almost never diverge, and even though there are some problems with the back corner, you're getting pretty good at them. Feel free to move on to Lesson 2!