Drawing Prompt: Cosmic Confectionary

10:26 PM, Friday March 25th 2022

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/Y9eVp1y.jpg

This submission was done for the Cosmic Confectionary drawing prompt. Check out more submissions here!


When I was a kid I always had a strange fantasy that in the future we would eat worms in a healthy way.

I really enjoyed doing this challenge, I understood some things about visual design thanks to this.

You can see that the caterpillar from one of the Drawabox lessons has stuck in my head a lot :'3

1 users agree
3:18 AM, Saturday March 26th 2022

Interesting perspective . . . maybe someday this will catch on :)

11:32 AM, Saturday March 26th 2022

Whoa, can you imagine? it would be awesome if they came up with a concept like that :'D

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Steven Zapata's Secrets of Shading

Steven Zapata's Secrets of Shading

Some of you will have noticed that Drawabox doesn't teach shading at all. Rather, we focus on the understanding of the spatial relationships between the form we're drawing, which feeds into how one might go about applying shading. When it comes time to learn about shading though, you're going to want to learn it from Steven Zapata, hands down.

Take a look at his portfolio, and you'll immediately see why.

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