I thought your username looked familiar! Hello again. I’ll be looking through your official submission, too.

Starting off, your superimposed lines are looking solid. Sometimes, they’ll fray a little sooner than I’d expect them too, so you need to be careful not to spend so much time lining up your pen to the correct starting point that you lose the built-up rhythm, but, other than that, all is good. What insecurity there was in your ghosted lines exercise is gone by the time you reach the ghosted planes, though I notice that you’re not plotting start/end points for the non-diagonal center lines, there. Be sure to.

The table of ellipses exercise is mostly good, though I do notice the occasional wobble. Remember that our #1 priority lies in their smoothness/roundness, not their accuracy. Also, if you can, stick to 2 rotations, rather than 3. The same issues are present in the table of ellipses exercise, too, but with minor improvements; continue pushing in that direction! Save for them, the funnels exercise looks good: your ellipses are snug, and properly cut in half by their respective axes.

The plotted perspective exercise looks clean.

The rough perspective exercise improves considerably throughout the set. It started off with confident linework, and patience demonstrated in regards to the convergences, and, by the end, shows a good understanding of 1-point perspective. The only thing I’d like to call out is the automatic reinforcing (the correcting of an incorrect line.) Try to ditch it, as a habit.

The rotated boxes exercise is mostly good. It’s big (huge positive), the boxes are snug, and properly drawn through. There’s some issues in regards to their rotation, and there’s some reinforcing here, too, but you’ve seen the exercise through to the end, and, looking at your far plane, absorbed quite a bit of it, too.

The organic perspective exercise looks fantastic. Your boxes properly follow the flow line, increasing in size, but maintaining a consistent, and shallow foreshortening as they do. Their great number, and many overlaps, do a lot to sell the illusion, too. Nicely done, all around.