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250 Box Challenge

9:40 AM, Friday April 26th 2024

vmh 250 box challenge - Album on Imgur


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  • february 20th to today, april 26th! I did 5 boxes a day most days, with a few exceptions

  • there's definitely some improvement, but i mostly enjoyed the meditative aspect of it that made it easy to sit down to draw almost every morning. sometimes just boxes, usually with some other drawing afterwards.

I've added pictures of all of the boxes for good measure. Excuse the ones that are chaotic, sloppy, or damaged lol. Especially the first 50 which now have ink leaking through from the other end of pages quite a lot... ^^'

I've added '!!!' to some images in the imgur pile that show the process well.

Some of my considerations:

  • the first 50 boxes i just took a few notes, but wasn't sure how to do so properly yet. I tried to overcompensate some of the lines i didn't draw steep enough, but much later (dawning on me around the 195 mark) realised it's actually the 'back plane' (not the lines themselves) that i draw too symmetrical to the front plane.

  • the next 50 felt way more intuitive. i did keep making the same mistakes, maybe a little cleaner. I knew better what the issues were now but i wasn't sure how to address them or where i went wrong exactly. The converging lines drawn over them the following session enlightening either in that aspect.

  • the long run - i started experimenting a little more with how I went about it. something that helped me a lot is what i started on #180~, where instead of just drawing all the converging lines, instead i started correcting the boxes, taking the Y and the first plane drawn as a guide. I went back and forth between this method and the original assigned homework going forward. In a couple sessions (ex. #185-189, #201-205) I even sketched the corrected boxes which was really insightful. The very last set of 5 is actually how I wish I'd done the whole 250, drawing both the converging lines and the corrections.

Anyway, it was a good challenge!! ta daaa ~ it's done

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Steven Zapata's Secrets of Shading

Steven Zapata's Secrets of Shading

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