5 users agree
2:58 PM, Saturday November 7th 2020

Hello Kamiyasora!

Let's jump right into your exercise

Organic Arrows

So the arrows exercise is very well done! they feel like they're moving in a 3D space and they're very flowy!

Contour Ellipses

Good job on your contour ellipses! i can see that you're a bit struggling with this exercise, i see some of the sausages are very stiff and elongated, but still you've try your best with this exercise so keep it up!

Texture Analysis

Good job with the textures analysis, you've fill your textures with solid shapes before filling your shadows

Dissection Exercise

I can't say much about this exercise other than a good job! i know this exercise is the most difficult and boring, but you keep going and the results are looking great!

Forms Intersection

Great job on this exercise! all of your forms are intersecting into one another

Organic Intersections

Good job with this exercise! i can see that some of your sausage are a bit stiff and wonky, but what's important is that you understand the concept of putting stuff on top of each other!

Well, congrats Kamisayora! after you finish exercise 2, go right ahead into exercise 3! best of luck kamisa :D

Next Steps:

lesson 3

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 5 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
12:28 PM, Sunday November 8th 2020

Thank you for this critique.

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