Hi, great job on finishing Lesson 1!

Starting with your Lines, a minor problem with your Superimposed Lines is the fraying at the beginning of the plotted point but you kept it to a minimum. On your Ghosted Lines and Ghosted Ellipses you have great line confidence and are keeping the wobbliness to a minimum, good job !!

Onto your Ellipses, you show clear understaning on all three of the exercises. Your ellipses are confident and there's really only slight problems with your work. such as some ellipses are floating in Ghosted Ellipses in Planes on some of your ellipses on funnels are slightly tilted which misaligns them from the minor axis.

Onto your boxes, good job on Plotted Perspective and Rough Perspective it's clear you understand the concepts the Lessons were teaching. On your Rotated Boxes, the only issue is that there's no need to cross-hatch. https://drawabox.com/lesson/250boxes/1/lineweight . You just need to hatch, even though it looks nice, I think DaB just prefers you to just hatch. On your Organic Perspective, another slight problem is that you should avoid redoing lines. It's alright to slip up sometimes and if you mess up, you should move onto the next line and act if the line you messed up worked fine. Other than that, well done !

Overall, your Lesson 1 Submission is really good and I believe you're ready for the 250 Box Challenge. Sorry if it seems like I didn't have much to say, there really isn't any major problems in your work and it's really well done overall. The problems I pointed out such such as line wobbliness and crosshatching can easily be resolved with practice, awareness, and time. To work on Line confidence specifically, I suggest adding Ghosted Lines as a warm up as you progress throughout DaB. It's been greatly helpful for me and might be helpful for you. Good Luck on the 250 Box Challenge!