2 users agree
8:22 AM, Saturday September 28th 2024

Here's the critique

Hello cyberkitty! In general like I said you've done a good job but I want to ask you to do 1 more drawing of a bug in 3/4 view so i can make sure you got what I said! Good luck! And remember to ask any questions if you have them

Next Steps:

1 more drawing of an insect in 3/4 view

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
3:02 PM, Saturday September 28th 2024

Hi! Thank you for the critique!

Here is the bug https://imgur.com/a/xRYXkOI, the reference: https://www.flickr.com/photos/andreaskay/48859027642/

6:07 PM, Sunday September 29th 2024

Hello! You're doing better but you still have some of the problems i mentioned. The lineweight is still super thick, are you using another marker that's bigger for drawing it or something? Like I said only draw extra lineweight with a simple line.

The other thing is simple organic forms, you're still drawing them a bit too complex, like I said on the video if you wanna make more complex organic forms you need to do them in several steps, the simple organic forms you can draw are these .

I drew on your picture here withe examples!

To make things easier I want you to make 1 more drawing, take a photo with the drawing finished with 0 lineweight added, then another photo with the drawing after adding lineweight and then one after adding texture. So 3 photos in total. Make sure you don't draw any texture or shadows on the first 2 ones.

Good luck and remember to ask questions if you have them, great job so far!

Next Steps:

1 more insect in a 3/4 view.

1 photo with no lineweight added (all lines the same size) and no texture.

1 photo after with lineweight added (simple extra lineweight with only one ghosted line and the same pen)

and 1 photo after with texture and detail added.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
6:26 PM, Monday September 30th 2024

I'm very sorry, I missed your video!!! I only noticed the link now.

These are A4 scans! I cut them from A3 so their edges are kinda ugly so I remove them after scanning, for this one I kept them as they are.

For very thick lines I used brush pen trying to create shadows to bring shapes more.

The reference: https://www.flickr.com/photos/andreaskay/48831339366/

The exercise: https://imgur.com/a/oUPBfPf

About line weight: I didn't expect to stop using a lot of black being SO difficult.

I actually didn't want to add any details at my first exercise but brush pen was too addictive (:. Here I wanted to add more details then ended up doing but I think image got too busy already and it would be too difficult to understand main shapes.

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