Question about 250 box challenge
10:58 AM, Saturday July 16th 2022
3 pages of boxes ,6% of challenge done;)
Ofc I analyse mistakesafter each page,but here is my question. I see I've done terrbile maitakes in few boxes. After analyse I know how i should do them correctly,atleast try to look much better.
Can I redo them, try the same box few pages later? I know it may be seen as "copying" but I think it's good to draw them again, even for comparison- to see how it should look corectly in given situation (next to the wrong way example).
Ofc I assume after dozen of boxes,pages I hopefully get better and won't copy half of boxes again and again. But for start I'm eagr to recreate few boxes that I've done terribly till now.
My other problem: I'm doing little points during ghosting phase,just to estimate "best assumed position" for next corner.But when I draw line, I still miss some points,drawing line next to it or curvy line. And even when my estimation for corner was correct, my finall product is wrong.
Yes, I shold probably more and more warmups with ghosting lines. I just don't want to grind and wait,wait before my lines will be enough steady drawn to make that challenge. I will probably continue drawing these 250 boxes,knowing that some of them may be broken due to drawing bad lines,not but estimation of corners and directions.