250 Cylinder Challenge
12:16 AM, Monday May 23rd 2022
I'm glad that I was able to push through this challenge, I kept a consistent pace and i'm finally finished.
to whoever is going to critique my work, i greatly appreciate your time and effort.
Hi Loadsofskeptic!!!
In both cylinders around minor axis & inside the boxes:
Your ellipses are smooth & confidently drawn
You did great with experimenting different orientations & proportions.
Nice work on hatching the correct visible ellipses!
Cylinders around minor axis:
Your ellipses are almost perpendicular to the minor axis, It will improve as you keep doing this in your warm ups, so nice work here.
First few pages of your cylinders around minor axis had parallel edges but I see that you thought about the convergence on later cylinders.
You've also put effort into making sure that the farther ellipse has greater degree & facing more towards us.
This might be a nitpick but sometimes the edges of your cylinders overshoot their end point. Just be mindful of when to stop the mark & raise your pen. Unless you're not using this, plotting some dots for their start/end points can help.
Nice work on checking the error for minor axis of each ellipse.
Moving on to your cylinders inside the boxes:
First issue I noticed with your boxes, is that the inner corner is giving you hard times especially in boxes with dramatic foreshortening like 192, 249 which resulted in tapered box & thus tapered cylinder. Which make the cylinder looks like a part of it sliced off.
You can avoid this when constructing the boxes by plotting inner corner before placing all of the outside edges like shown here https://i.imgur.com/AWm1vaK.png, so that the edges from inner corner don't diverge from one of the vanishing points.
In the topic of extension, it looks like you forgot to check for errors for minor axis of each ellipse(like you did with cylinders around minor axis), see the first point mentioned in the image on this section https://drawabox.com/lesson/250cylinders/1/stage2check . Keep it in mind when doing the revisions.
These ellipses are supposed to be inside square planes(it's mentioned here https://drawabox.com/lesson/250cylinders/1/stage2). I know it's hard to get it right but when constructing the box, just make sure to keep it(planes having same relative length & width) in your mind when drawing those planes for both sides.
Overall You've done amazing work with these cylinders & almost according to the instructions. Cylinders inside the boxes needs some work before moving into next lesson.
Next Steps:
Some of you will have noticed that Drawabox doesn't teach shading at all. Rather, we focus on the understanding of the spatial relationships between the form we're drawing, which feeds into how one might go about applying shading. When it comes time to learn about shading though, you're going to want to learn it from Steven Zapata, hands down.
Take a look at his portfolio, and you'll immediately see why.
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