Hello there, I'll be reviewing your submission of lesson 2.


You have done right in keeping in mind foreshortening (making the latter end small the former that is towards the viewer larger) which is good, but the shading was not convincing as the hatching lines were were not lined in a more straight manner and there was an absence of line weight around the curves.

Organic Forms with Ellipses

The forms are good as they are not wobbly, coming to the ellipses within the forms a common mistake many make is of making the ellipses of the same degree. https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/5/ellipses . go through this part again. when you practice I suggest you start by drawing 2-3 ellipses in your forms for your better understanding on how the different degrees look at different points within the form, cause drawing many ellipses at first makes it look very similar and confuses the viewer.

Organic Forms with contour curves

I will point out that the curves are not to be gone back and forth with, it's the ellipses that have to be drawn through not the curves. https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/5/ellipses check out how the curves are drawn. draw your curves without hesitation so that they'll be smooth.

Texture Analysis

Your submission is good as you have followed the instructions of detail density, going from dense to sparse is done very well.


The corn dissection is very good, along with the rest of the dissections. But keep in mind to draw along the edges of the ellipses as it will give a better impression of the item drawn and will not appear flat. https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/dissections observe the pangolin dissection in the eg hw at the end of the page to get what I'm saying.

Form Intersection

This exercise can be tricky. Your overall forms are good but i will point out that you have not used hatching lines to indicate which plane is facing the user and also the line weight. Another thing is that one page was to be only of boxes. so i suggest you practise doing the page with boxes. https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/formintersections check the link to know about which hatching lines to use.

Organic intersections

This exercise is tricky too, so first i would say it is a very good attempt. The first page is good and the sausage form below the main sausage that is horizontally kept is believable, however in the second page the sausage form at the very bottom of the pile doesn't look like it's taking the weight of the sausage above it. These forms are very flexible and are not at all stiff. https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/organicintersections go through this lesson once again to understand it better.

So overall a Good submisson.