Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

3:43 PM, Monday June 8th 2020

dab - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/mlfHQO4.jpg

Post with 69 views. dab

Hi, I started DAB'ing a week and a half ago, here is my attempt at every task in Lesson 1. I apologise that they're a bit scruffy overall. This was certainly a workout for my shoulder, I still find some tasks difficult but I can see a lot of improvement as I practise these everyday. Let me know what you think, whether I should bulk up one of the tasks or whether I can go onto the 250 Boxes/Lesson 2!

3 users agree
10:42 PM, Monday June 8th 2020
edited at 10:58 PM, Jun 8th 2020

Your lines are a little wobbly.

In the ghosted planes exercise, the notes rates lines as:

-Level 1: Line is smooth and consistent without any visible wobbling, but doesn't quite pass through A or B, due to not following the right trajectory. It's a straight shot, but misses the mark a bit.

-Level 2: Line is straight, smooth and consistent without any wobbling and maintains the correct trajectory. It does however either fall short or overshoot one or both points.

-Level 3: Line is straight, smooth, consistent without any wobbling. It also starts right at one point and ends exactly at the other.

To increase the quality of your lines, you need to remove all wobbling and make the lines straight. Straight lines come from the shoulder so when you ghost, make sure the movement is coming from your shoulder. The short, medium and long lines should all be done from the shoulder. Changing up the line sizes for the ghosting lines exercise may help you understand your shoulder better.

Also try your best to avoid repeating lines. Once you make a mistake, leave it. When you place multiple marks, one may be the intended mark but because there are more than one, it is confusing and messy.

Your ellipses wobble. Just like with lines, the ellipses must be drawn confidently, prioritizing confidence and smoothness, over accuracy. Secondly, try to make sure your ellipses touch the lines above, below and to the sides.

Edit: For the funnels, try to align your ellipses to the minor axis. This is very important.

For your boxes, just remember to avoid redoing lines. In the rotated boxes, draw through all your boxes. You missed a few in the outmost corners. Also, try to use the boxes you have already drawn in the middle as reference.

Edit: Also note that hatching should be ghosted lines.

Next Steps:

Add lesson one exercises to your warmup and remember to always draw from your shoulder. Start the 250 box challenge.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 3 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
edited at 10:58 PM, Jun 8th 2020
11:19 AM, Tuesday June 9th 2020

Thank you very much! Really appreciate the feedback, I'll keep on trucking with these exercises and taming my unruly shoulder.

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