Hello Sam,

Congratulations on taking the first step on learning how to draw! Do trust me when I say that anyone can draw and all it takes is time and effort. I am also a beginner so do please keep that in mind for my critique


Your lines have a tendency to wobble. From what I can see, every straight line you pen, wobbles. Why is this a mistake you may ask. This is because the first few exercises in Drawabox is to help you develop the confidence in penning your lines. Paired with the ghosting method, we are all learning to think about every line we pen down and to have confident strokes. What I would recommend is to increase the speed in which you draw your lines and not be afraid of undershooting/overshooting those lines. Those skills will come in time as you practise this skill more. Do also draw from the shoulder.


Good job on the ellipses! I can't see any signs of wobbling here and I can see the effort made in trying to touch all 4 corners of the plane in your Ellipses in planes exercise. Do continue to practise on these ellipses to tighten them up. I especially like your Funnels exercise and I think you did a really good job there. One thing I would advise is to make sure you pass over the ellipses twice. I can see some ellipses where you only draw through it one and a half times or even just once.


Good job on your rotated boxes! There will only be two things I would advise you. First is to be fine with mistakes and to learn to work with them. I can see multiple lines where you try to cover up the mistakes. Try to avoid this as it will just draw more attention to them. Also, do watch out for the wobbles. The second thing I would advise you to do is to increase the rotation of your boxes, especially the ones at the top (2nd top layer).

For your organic perspective, the first two things I would advise is the same as the above. That is, to be fine with making mistakes and to be wary of wobbling. I would recommend you to increase the number of boxes in each section and to overlap your boxes. Do also experiment on adding (subtle) line weight to the boxes that overlap

Although I am being very terse here, I do hope you are proud of yourself for finishing 16 pages of exercises. I would recommend doing 1 more page of organic perpesctive (to work on the confidence and overlaps). Take care and I do hope you see you at the end!

