
I'll be looking at your submission.

Your superimposed lines look okay. Though there is a little fraying at the origin of the lines because you might not have taken enough time to align your pen. The ghosted lines and planed are good.

Your table of ellipses also look okay, the ellipses are snuggly. They are extending quite a lot beyond the table sometimes, try to keep them in the table. Ellipses in planes and funnels look good.

Plotted perspective is good.

In rough perspective you have not properly used the ghosting method and drawn multiple times over the same line. Don't try to correct a line after drawing it or draw multiple lines to define one. Confident wrong line > wobbly correct line.

The rotated boxes look okay.

The same thing in organic perspective again. Don't draw multiple lines for one line. You have also used extensive foreshortening in some cases.