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1:21 AM, Thursday August 13th 2020

Sorry about that! Thanks for your patience. Here's one last attempt, then I'll try another source. I had initially tried imgur but it kept giving me errors and not allowing me to upload all the images, which is why I switched to drive.

Hopefully this works!

6:15 AM, Thursday August 13th 2020

Ah, there it is! And it has been worth the wait, too- this is a wonderful submission~ It certainly started off a little rough- though the line-work was confident, it was occasionally a little stiff, and you’d often add line-weight to the inner lines of the box, and as for the boxes themselves, their lines would usually diverge, you’d extend their correction lines in the wrong direction, and hatch their far planes, instead of their near planes. By the end, however, not only are all of these issues resolved, but even the inner lines of the box, a usual sticking point for students, are fairly solid, with only the occasional error. To solve even that, take a look at this diagram- it outlines the preferred way for our students to think about their lines. Basically, you think about each line in a set (the set of lines that share a vanishing point, not a plane or a corner), and, specifically, think about them intersecting over at said vanishing point, and the angle they form there. If you do, you’ll notice certain relationships that are quite useful. For instance, the middle lines of the box, that are usually quite close to each other, have a small angle between them. As we move closer to our box, this angle becomes more and more negligible, and, by the time we reach it, the lines are essentially parallel. Thinking of them as such is useful, because, while being, for all intents and purposes, correct, it also gives us a free answer, in a way. Similar relationships can be observed in the outer lines, too- you’ll notice that the larger the angle they form, the more dramatically they’ll need to converge to hit that same point. Becoming aware of, and being able to use these relationships to our advantage becomes a useful tool in our toolset, so, slowly, try to make an effort to see them in your boxes, as well. Until then, however, you’re more than welcome to move on to lesson 2. Good luck, and keep up the good work!

Next Steps:

Lesson 2

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
4:24 PM, Thursday August 13th 2020

Thank you so much Benj! The diagram and explanation you gave about the angles between the 4 lines converging toward a single VP is really helpful and is something I was just starting to think about towards the end, but hadn't really solidified my thinking on yet (which the explanation and diagram will help me to do). I also think that one of the most helpful things (that I only realized toward the end) was that one of the reasons that my inner lines were always so wonky was that I was drawing them last, and that really I should be drawing those ones before drawing the lines of the last outer plane. I still made mistakes even after I realized that, but I think it increased the number of my boxes with correctly converging lines.

So much to think about!



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