Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes
10:54 PM, Friday July 22nd 2022
Definitely not perfect, so any critique will be greatly appreciated!
-Lines: In the Superimposed Lines exercise I see that you have followed the steps correctly, some of the lines are fraying on both ends. Remember that you have to place the pen carefully at the beginning of each line. In Ghosted Lines and Ghosted Planes you have followed the steps properly too, I can see some lines wobbly, this is probably because you aren’t used to drawing from the shoulder, and you will improve at this over time. Just remember keeping your lines confident.
-Ellipses: In Table of Ellipses I can see that you have followed the steps correctly and that your ellipses are more confident than your lines. In the Ellipses in Planes exercise I can see some ellipses a little wobbly. Remember also to draw through the ellipse 2 or 3 times. In the funnels exercise, I see that ellipses have better confidence. I can also see some ellipses a little rotated from the minor axis.
-Boxes: In the Rough Perspective exercise you have followed the steps correctly, I can also see that some of the parts of the boxes are not perpendicular to the horizon line. Remember that the lines must be parallel to the horizon line, and the height lines must be perpendicular to the horizon line.
-In the Plotted perspective you didn't end one of the boxes.
-I think you forgot to do the Rotated Boxes Exercise, and you need to send it if you want to end Lesson 1 exercises
Next Steps:
Sending the Rotated Boxes exercise and ending the Plotted Perspective exercise
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