Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction
10:51 AM, Monday October 14th 2024
Similar to the 250 box challenge, I found myself doing the exercises several times (experimenting) before moving onto the next homework lesson. I like to letter. These exercises are a goldmine for my 50% time.
During this lesson, I found myself following a drawing rhythm similar to a dark-light transition. Drag, Scratch, and Hover. In the start, I would drag my hand along the path while drawing/ghosting with my shoulder. That led to scratching along the path with my pinky nail. And onto primarily using hover hand (hh).
Please see following list of Lesson 2 exercises and their respective homework organized below:
• 2 Pages of Organic Arrows. There are 4 pages because it seemed like I needed additional practice. Lettering helped. As a result, these are tattooed.
• 2 Pages of Organic Forms with Contour Ellipses & Curves.
• 1 Page of Texture Analyses. I chose to do two pages because the cast shadows were challenging. It was helpful to try different light sources ie, my kitchen table and the garage.
• 2 Pages of Dissections. All references were physically present at some point during the drawing process.
• 4 Pages of Form Intersections. Setting up the pages with shapes was a lot of fun. The boxes were my favorite to setup and the hardest to understand.
• 2 Pages of Organic Intersections.
• Journal, notes, thoughts from DAB Lesson 2.
Thanks for reviewing and providing feedback.