Hello, I'll be reviewing your homework today! Congratulations on completing the 250 Box Challenge and showing your determination!

Things you did well on

  • All lines extend in the right direction

  • You tried many different orientations and sizes

  • Your boxes definitely improved throughout the challenge. Both hatching lines and line weight became cleaner and your lines became less wobbly

Things you can improve on:

  • You seem to be struggling with the inside corners. One way to improve them is to start thinking about the relationships between the lines instead of just thinking about the lines in pairs. Think about all the other lines in the set and compare their angles. This diagram might help: https://i.imgur.com/8PqQLE0.png . Another way to "fix it" is to change the order in which you draw your boxes, you can try it!

  • Throughout the challenge, your lines became more and more parallel, sometimes even diverging. I get the feeling that you somehow lost confidence in the middle of the exercise and decided to stick to "easier" boxes, even though you tried to converge them more in the last part. Remember, don't be afraid to mess up, it's part of the learning process!

Overall, I think you've done well and no revisions are necessary. I suggest adding freehand box drawing to your warm-up as you continue the Drawabox course. That will be all, good luck and remember to use your 50%! Of course, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.