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6:30 PM, Monday March 20th 2023

Starting with your cylinders around arbitrary minor axes, there are a few issues I want to call out to ensure that you're approaching your linework correctly and that you're correctly understanding how to approach these cylinders, but overall you're doing decently. You've varied your rates of foreshortening over the set as requested in the assignment section, and you're fairly fastidious when checking your minor axis alignments, to ensure that you don't end up plateauing your growth in that area.

In terms of the line work, there are a couple things I want to call out:

  • Be sure to use the ghosting method for every mark you freehand, as noted in Lesson 1. So that would be for your side edges (be sure to apply all of its steps, including the planning phase, which for straight lines it's very beneficial to draw the start and end points so we understand what we need from the mark we're executing). We can of course apply the ghosting method to ellipses as well, though it's more about focusing on investing our time correctly, focusing it on the planning and preparation phases, and then executing our marks with confidence from the shoulder.

  • Be sure to draw through your ellipses two full times - you're definitely trying to, but you may not have noticed that you often stop short of two full turns of the elliptical shape. This suggests that you could be a bit more mindful of what you're actually doing.

  • Be weary of situations where you draw the side edges of your cylinders as being parallel on the page. For example, cases like 99, 118, and 123 to name a few. The reasoning for this is explained in these notes.

Continuing onto your cylinders in boxes, it seems that you may not have followed the instructions as carefully as you could have, when it comes to the important stage of analyzing our results using the line extensions as explained here. This exercise is really all about helping develop students' understanding of how to construct boxes which feature two opposite faces which are proportionally square, regardless of how the form is oriented in space. We do this not by memorizing every possible configuration, but rather by continuing to develop your subconscious understanding of space through repetition, and through analysis (by way of the line extensions).

Where the box challenge's line extensions helped to develop a stronger sense of how to achieve more consistent convergences in our lines, here we add three more lines for each ellipse: the minor axis, and the two contact point lines. In checking how far off these are from converging towards the box's own vanishing points, we can see how far off we were from having the ellipse represent a circle in 3D space, and in turn how far off we were from having the plane that encloses it from representing a square.

Throughout your work, you've been rather selective of which lines you'd extend, only rarely extending all three sets of lines, but more often extending just two, and sometimes just one. I'm unsure as to why this is, but it does unfortunately severely limit the effectiveness of this technique. Just as with the line extensions in the box challenge, if we only focus on some of the lines and neglect others, errors can accumulate in the area that was not being checked, undermining the purpose of the exercise. So, if we check two out of three sets of line extensions, we can end up in a situation where the proportions of the box are still way off, but the partial analysis suggests nothing is wrong.

Before I mark this challenge as complete, I will be asking you for some revisions which you'll find assigned below.

Next Steps:

Please submit the following:

  • 25 cylinders around arbitrary minor axis - be sure to be more attentive to applying the ghosting method in its entirety to your linework as well as drawing through your ellipses two full times before lifting your pen, and avoid drawing any with side edges that run parallel to one another on the page.

  • 40 cylinders in boxes, being sure to apply the line extensions as instructed in the notes.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
9:53 PM, Friday March 24th 2023


Yes, I've been not doing the 50% rule, just trying to rush and I've not been focus enough...

Anyhow, here there is the link

And one question: any advice to deal with the overwhelming feeling at the start of the next sessions?

But, for now, let's enjoy the Promptathon!

Thanks for your feedback!

4:03 AM, Saturday March 25th 2023

Your work here is looking considerably better, as you're following the instructions much more closely, both in terms of avoiding overly parallel side edges for the cylinders around arbitrary minor axes, and in terms of applying the line extensions correctly for the cylinders in boxes. I did still notice that you are skipping the plotting of your start/end points for the first section, which is indeed part of the ghosting method's planning phase - so continue to keep an eye on that, and do not skip any aspect of the ghosting method when freehanding your lines.

I should note, in regards to what you said about not doing the 50% rule - that is not optional, and it is unwise to treat it as any less necessary than the rest of your assigned homework. It is a required part of the course, and an extremely important part of it at that, which is why it is presented as one of the first things we address in Lesson 0. The promptathon will be a good start on addressing this issue, but you absolutely should be adhering to it in between promptathons instead.

As to your question - everything we tackle in life happens one step at a time. If you feel overwhelmed, take a step back and identify what the first, simplest step is for the task before you. Focus on that, and only that. When it's completed, do the same for the next step, and repeat as necessary.

I'll go ahead and mark this lesson as complete.

Next Steps:

Move onto Lesson 6 - after the promptathon, of course.

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
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Drawabox-Tested Fineliners (Pack of 10, $17.50 USD)

Drawabox-Tested Fineliners (Pack of 10, $17.50 USD)

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These pens are each hand-tested (on a little card we include in the package) to avoid sending out any duds (another problem with pens sold in stores). We also checked out a handful of different options before settling on this supplier - mainly looking for pens that were as close to the Staedtler Pigment Liner. If I'm being honest, I think these might even perform a little better, at least for our use case in this course.

We've also tested their longevity. We've found that if we're reasonably gentle with them, we can get through all of Lesson 1, and halfway through the box challenge. We actually had ScyllaStew test them while recording realtime videos of her working through the lesson work, which you can check out here, along with a variety of reviews of other brands.

Now, I will say this - we're only really in a position to make this an attractive offer for those in the continental United States (where we can offer shipping for free). We do ship internationally, but between the shipping prices and shipping times, it's probably not the best offer you can find - though this may depend. We also straight up can't ship to the UK, thanks to some fairly new restrictions they've put into place relating to their Brexit transition. I know that's a bummer - I'm Canadian myself - but hopefully one day we can expand things more meaningfully to the rest of the world.

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