Lesson 7: Applying Construction to Vehicles

9:55 PM, Tuesday January 2nd 2024

Lesson 7 - Album on Imgur

Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/Vwfsf6g

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And here's my submission for the last lesson, did notes on lots of the submission hopefully I got a critique in the discord channel and made some changes on it (?•???•?). Apologize for that, love this exercise a lot but still I also struggled with it (???????), not quite satisfied bout the outcome but I'll keep practicing. Will be moving to the 100 treasure chest challenge since getting your submission critiqued is rare this days. Will love to get it critiqued tho want to know the stuffs I should work on. Thanks so much for establishing this program Mr Irshad it really help me a lot and will be helping me much more in the future ?????????

2 users agree
10:30 AM, Wednesday February 21st 2024

Congrats on completing lesson 7! Not many people make it this far so it's quite the achievement.

Before I start I want to bring your attention to a guide I made for lessons 6/7 which you can read over to maybe clarify some points I may miss in the critique https://drawabox.com/community/submission/EKYD69DA

Anyway, I'll start with your form intersections. Overall they look good, although there are a few points I want to call out. With form intersections there are 3 types of intersections that occur between the surfaces of the forms, not the forms themselves. What this means is that instead of thinking of intersections as between cubes and cylinders for example, they are instead between a flat surface and a curved surface (or a flat surface of the cylinder top / bottom). This diagram may clarify things a bit. When you have an interaction of flat and curved you will usually end up with a simple curve that would change direction when it hits an edge. In your intersections if you look at the bottom of the page between the sphere and the box, I can see that you've attempted a curve but it defies the surface of the sphere and makes it look deformed. On that same box between the cylinder instead, you've used a straight line which makes the cylinder look flat. It should instead conform to the surface of the cylinder more and be curved. For additional resources on form intersections you can check out this pack made by optimus on discord and this paint 3d guide I made to better understand form intersections.

An additional point with your intersections is your repeated attempts to try and correct a line causing the edges to look messy and bloated. The first stroke that you made the mistake with is now hidden, thus hindering any growth you could have gained if you had just left the mistake on the page. Do be careful with this and avoid going over the same mark over and over again.

Moving on to your boxed cylinders. There are two problems. First, elipses should only be drawn once over and not continually drawn over. It again hides the issue that you made and you can't grow from it. The other problem is you aren't checking for your mistakes. Every box should have line extensions going out like you did with the box challenge. Here is how you correctly check for mistakes. Make sure you do this going forward in your warmups.

For your vehicle form intersections. They are well done, this exercise is just meant as a warmup to the more complicated vehicle constructions you do later.

Finally your vehicle constructions. I can see when you started to make changes from the discord feedback and honestly you've really done a great job for a few of them. By being precise and intentional with every choice we make, we train our instincts to develop a strong, reliable understanding of 3D space even when we decide to be a little quicker, a little more instinctual, and a little more loose. Ultimately the purpose of the course is to drill those principles ad nauseum, and to a truly tedious point so as to fundamentally restructure how we, in our most careless moments, engage with the things we draw.

But that can only be said for a few of your constructions, mainly the truck, 7 and 5. The biggest issue I can see is that you opted to not use a ruler, which in turn limited how much value you would have gained from the exercise. By not using a ruler you stop the brain from focusing on just the spatial reasoning and it now has to worry about ghosting and line accuracy as well. Because of this you can't fully focus on improving your spatial reasoning (which is what this course is all about), thus hindering your growth. The second issue I can see is that in the second airplane you decided to do away with all the lines in the orthographic plans and decided to just eyeball most of it. This goes against what lesson 6 and 7 is about, precision.

Precision is often conflated with accuracy, but they're actually two different things (at least insofar as I use the terms here). Where accuracy speaks to how close you were to executing the mark you intended to, precision actually has nothing to do with putting the mark down on the page. It's about the steps you take beforehand to declare those intentions.

So for example, if we look at the ghosting method, when going through the planning phase of a straight line, we can place a start/end point down. This increases the precision of our drawing, by declaring what we intend to do. From there the mark may miss those points, or it may nail them, it may overshoot, or whatever else - but prior to any of that, we have declared our intent, explaining our thought process, and in so doing, ensuring that we ourselves are acting on that clearly defined intent, rather than just putting marks down and then figuring things out as we go.

In our constructions here, we build up precision primarily through the use of the subdivisions. These allow us to meaningfully study the proportions of our intended object in two dimensions with an orthographic study, then apply those same proportions to the object in three dimensions.

You did this in the constructions I mentioned earlier and a few others but neglected it for other constructions. Which would mean you have to re-do the lesson. But since you did more drawings than needed (probably after the discord critique) it should still be fine.

Finally, you've used pure black for some shadows in your constructions in a way which is similar to form shading which is to be avoided in this course and instead you should only be drawing cast shadows. Here is the difference between them.

And that's it for this critique. Again congrats on completing drawabox and if anything was unclear don't hesitate to reply with any questions you have.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
5:14 PM, Thursday February 22nd 2024

Thanks so much for taking your time to critique my submission sir/ma I really appreciate it, I tend to have the urge of going over my lines after making a mistake and I will make some adjustments on it. I really enjoyed the critique especially the form intersection part and being precise on my vehicle construction it touches lots of the stuffs I overlooked and I learned a lot from it thanks. Am currently on the treasure chest challenge and I've done 16 will post it when am done and i would love to get your critique on it sir/ma

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