Hello, i’ll be the one handling the critique for your lesson 1.

.If you struggle drawing from your arm, remember to use the ghosting method, to lock your wrist and use only your elbow and shoulder joint, as for small lines these can be tricky and require some time to get used to.

.Ballpoint pen is fine for lesson 1 and 250 boxes challenge even though it’s not recommended, from lesson 2 a fine-liner is required though.


.Some of your lines are fraying on both ends in your superimposed lines exercise, the lines should never fray on the starting dot. Make sure you’re placing your pen carefully at the beginning of each lines.

.in your ghosted lines and ghosted planes you got some nice confident lines! but i notice a lot of wobbly ones, so remember to always prioritize confidence over accuracy and to use the ghosting method


Your ellipses are drawn pretty confidently! they are certainly not perfect but you’ll get this

.You did a good job in the ellipses in planes exercise, there are just some ellipses that don’t really touch each corners of your planes, but it’s looking pretty good.

.On your funnels, some ellipses, often those closer to the end of the funnel aren’t matching with the minor axis.


.In the rotated boxes exercise, some of your boxes aren’t rotating make sure to increase the foreshortening from the one that is beside each time you draw a new box.

.On your organic perspective i think you could have fitted more boxes here, don’t be afraid of making things cluttered.

that’s all for my critique, i hope it will be helpful, good luck for the rest!!