Hey Tiny, great job making it through the 250 box challenge!

It's great to see you consistently applied line weight, hatching, and check lines throughout the challenge. This ensured you got some excellent amount of mileage out of the challenge. I did notice that you did apply line weight occasionally to the internal lines of your boxes.

You've drawn a good mix of shallow and more extreme foreshortening. Generally your more shallowly foreshortened boxes are better in terms of convergences. Whilst you've limited your boxes to four per page, you shouldn't be afraid to draw them larger and overlap the check lines as you should still be able to pick up the issues in your convergences. You've made a good amount of improvement in your convergences, there's still some issues present in your final boxes - such as the rear vertical lines diverging and parallel lines converging in pairs. This is generally the result of small mistakes on the lines that come before them compounding onto that final line. The angles of your lines will all converge in a predictable pattern towards the vanishing point. As you'll see in the diagram, the green and orange lines (internal) are so close in angle so as to be almost parallel, whilst the others converge more sharply towards the vanishing point. Keep thinking about this as you practice your boxes in your warm-ups.