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2 users agree
5:41 PM, Tuesday March 2nd 2021


here's the review:

Arrows: OK

Contours on organic forms: OK, could also try varying degree of ellipse more when practicing in the future

Texture: OK

Dissections: some are rushed, but overall OK, could break from contours more (for example fur one is great, but in feather one feathers are too large and barely move from sausage form)

Intersections: OK

Organic intersections: OK

Overall you did great,

good job and good luck in the future lessons

Next Steps:

Lesson 3

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
2:10 PM, Thursday March 4th 2021

Thank you for the review, I'm aware of the varying ellipses I fixed it with my current practices. I'm not very pleased with my textures, I want to focus on them with 25 Texture Challenge in the future. Cheers

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