bro you need to finish all of the exercises ok,but i will give my critiques


you need to pay attention to where ur lines are going because i feel you just drew it fastly but fast doesnt mean it will look good you need to have confidence when drawing straight line,so what you can do is make a very light horizontal line and and connect them with accuracy,don't just draw it fast also when you draw lines and even curves please rotate your paper to find the best angle to draw


just like you draw straight line,you also need to ghost your elipses  before you touch your pencil on the paper,and once you feel the elipses draw it 


   1.where is your plotted perspective ??? (don't rush the lesson bro )

   2.rough perspective (it looks okay but u havent finished the last part) 

   3.where is rotated boxes ??? perspective (lines look inacurate and the boxes are out of perspective)